From Florence Reach the apartments in Florence Costa San Giorgio Florence Airport
Distance : about 11km ( 25 min ) Florence leaving the airport take Viale Zoroaster from Peretola , then Avenue of Astronauts and merge onto Viale Alessandro Guidoni . After 2.5 km turn right onto Via Forlanini , then at the roundabout turn left to Viale Francesco Redi , and continue to Viale Belfiore . Go around the Fortezza da Basso in Florence through Viale Filippo Strozzi then take Viale Lavagnini and at the roundabout turn right on Viale Giacomo Matteotti. Continue along Viale Antonio Gramsci , cross the bridge and turn right onto Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini , then on Lungarno Serristori , exceed the Ponte alle Grazie and turn left on Vosta dé Magnolfi . After a few meters you will find the Costa San Giorgio.
From the railway station Santa Maria Novella
Distance : about 5km ( 15 min ) Reach the apartments in Florence Costa San Giorgio coming from Firenze Santa Maria Novella railway station. Piazza della Firenze Santa Maria Novella railway station take Via Valfonda ending on Via Filippo Strozzi . Go around the Fortezza da Basso in Florence then continue on Viale Lavagnini and at the roundabout turn right on Viale Giacomo Matteotti . Continue along Viale Antonio Gramsci , cross the bridge and turn right onto Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini , then on Lungarno Serristori , exceed the Ponte alle Grazie and turn left on Vosta dé Magnolfi . After a few meters you will find the Costa San Giorgio.
Costasangiorgio s.r.l. - Appartamenti a Firenze
Tel: +39 0574-38418 - Fax: +39 0574-605125 - Cell. +39 320-0819394